Sunday, July 31, 2011
We did the handout from the manual. We focused a lot on quiet mouths, folding arms, and when are appropriate times to do that. Pretty basic.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Lesson 19: I CAN BE HAPPY
I was out of town for this lesson but these are the handouts that I left for my substitute. I gave her a choice of which ones she wanted to use because I wasn't positive if balloons would be a little too much for chaos for the kids.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Lesson 17: I WILL SHARE
The only thing different from the manual that I did, was that I brought treats and shared them with everyone. I had the kids come and get their treats and share their treats with someone else until everybody had their own. I think the kids really got it. It was fun.
We did the handout from the manual. It was a hard thing for them to color because I had already made them into the cubes, but it worked out okay.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
We followed the manual and I added this little story from Sugardoodle. The kids loved the story.
Instead of making the necklaces from the manual I thought it would be a fun idea to make them more my own. I got these little bears at Hobby Lobby and made them into necklaces with yarn and a hole punch. I bought some fun bandaids and had the kids choose which bandaid they wanted to put on their bears, which is to indicate that saying sorry is like putting a bandaid on a wound so it can heal. The kids really liked this.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Lesson 14: I WILL OBEY
I followed the manual on this one as well. We had a bag with a few items inside: a hair brush, a tooth brush, a banana, a toy, etc. The kids drew the items out and we talked about what kinds of "chores" those items represented and we talked about how when their moms and dads asked them to do those things that they needed to listen and obey. We sang the song "Quickly I'll obey" from the children's songbook. Then we also talked about the religious things we needed to do that were obedient. Saying our prayers, attending church, serving our families and neighbors, etc.
I printed these characters out and put them on popsicle sticks that said, "I Will Obey". The kids colored those to take home.
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 2011 Lesson Schedule
I am in my first trimester of pregnancy and it is taking a toll on me... therefore I am not as on top of my nursery stuff as I'd like to be. This month we are just doing things straight from the manual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just usually dedicate more time to being creative and finding better crafts and activities than I feel like I'm able to do right now.
July 3: Lesson 14 - I Will Obey
July 10: Lesson 16 - I Will Say I'm Sorry
July 17: Lesson 17 - I Will Share
July 24: Lesson 19 - I Can Be Happy
July 31: Lesson 20 - I Will Be Reverent