Sunday, April 24, 2011


I loved this lesson.  In preparation for it, I printed out the handout from Behold Your Little Ones lesson manual onto card stock, assembled, and colored it.  I put a black backing behind the tomb with tape on the top and the bottom so that Christ could be slid in and out of it easily and could stay in there.

I began my lesson by asking the kids to say the word "resurrection".  A couple of them could say it pretty well, so I asked them if they knew what it meant.  They didn't.

I simply told the story of Christ's Resurrection.  I explained that he had died and that all of his family and friends were so sad. They put Jesus' body in a tomb, and I pointed to the handout and explained that a tomb was like a cave, and told them that back in Jesus' time that's where they buried people who had died.  I placed the cut out of Jesus inside the tomb so that he was laying down.

I assembled the handout by attaching the stone to the tomb with an brads, making it so that I could roll the stone in front of the opening to the tomb.  So, I explained to the kids that after the people put Jesus' body in the tomb there was a big heavy stone that was pushed in front of the opening so that no one could go in or out of it, and as I explained it, I rolled the stone on my handout to demonstrate what I was explaining.

Then, as I brought my cut out of Christ out of the tomb, I told them that after three days two angels rolled the stone away and Jesus came back to life!  I told them that that is what it means when we say that Jesus was "resurrected" - that he died, but he came back to life.

I brought a glove and thought about doing the whole glove analogy.  You know, the one where the glove is the body and your hand is the spirit.  When the glove is on your hand the glove can move, but when the glove is not on the hand, it can't move.  That's how it is with our bodies, we all currently have our spirits inside our bodies, but when we die, our spirits separate from our bodies and our bodies "die", though our spirits are still living in heaven.  Christ was resurrected, and so after he died - after his spirit separated from the body - his spirit came back to his body.

I showed the picture of Mary and Jesus at the tomb.  I told them that this is a picture of Jesus just after he was resurrected and came back to life.  The first person to see him was Mary.  She was so happy to see that he was alive again and that all of his owies were made better.

I bore my testimony of Christ's resurrection and that it's because He was resurrected - came back to life - that we will all be able to live again after we die, just like Jesus did.  We will all be able to live with our families in heaven forever.  I told them I have a tesimony, and am so grateful that Jesus suffered so much so that it could all be made possible. I bore my testimony in His name.

I made copies of the handout from the manual for each of the kids and assembled the stone with the brads and put a backing on each of their tombs.  The kids loved the one that I used for the lesson and really clung to every word I said.  Having the visual was a key thing for them and they were all so happy to get their very own.

Unrelated to the lesson, just as a gift for each of the kids for Easter, I made little Easter Egg Guys and filled them with candy.  I thought they were so cute and the kids absolutely loved them!  They were each unique and cooky in their own ways and the kids were thrilled.

Boy     &     Girl

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