Monday, April 18, 2011

Peanut Butter Play-dough

One of my nursery leaders mentioned that it would be fun to bring in peanut butter play-dough for the kids to use. I'd never heard of it before, but looked up a recipe and brought some in this week. Honestly, it was a flop. It didn't help that I used crunchy peanut butter, but it was kind of crumbly and messy and it wasn't at all flexible. Some of the kids didn't even bother playing in it and just went straight to eating it. :)

about 18 oz. of peanut butter
about 6 tbsp. of honey
about 1 1/2 cups of powdered milk
Mix all ingredients well. Add powdered milk until the playdough is workable with your hands. This is a fun recipe for kids to play with and certainly has a yummy taste. Optional: Use raisins, nuts, or candy to decorate. Don't forget to eat!

Please make sure your hands are clean during this project for sanitary purposes!

I think I'll try it again some other time - and I suggest using smooth peanut butter.

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